b'What we do.Burton Safes specialises in the supply, distribution,installation and servicing of Physical Security Solutions.Our GoalsBe the bestGenerate sustainable growthCreate a long term legacyCreate a respected and desirable brandGenerate profits for our shareholders and our staffHow we will achieve our goalsListen to our customers and to the wider marketDeliver a first-rate customer serviceFocus on our product qualityDeliver solutions not just productsSeek niche and profitable marketsCreate a diverse and first rate supplier networkConstantly assess and challenge our costs, our actions and our performanceCreate a stable financial foundationOur ValuesPromote and support the use of independent product testing and certificationsPromote good practice and industry standardsBe honest, fair and respectful in our dealings with customers, suppliers and staffHelp our local community and environment prosperBe proud of our Yorkshire heritage whilst maintaining an open, global outlookCreate an enjoyable working environment for our staff, with a family atmosphere and ethos110'