Burton Attain Registered FSQS Status
FSQS is valued by some of the largest purchasers in the financial sector. Burton Safes has gone through the process required to demonstrate commitment and our credentials to these financial organisations by attaining Registered Status as a supplier.
You can read more about the company that set up this group at: Hellios
This status allows us to demonstrate to purchasers that we comply with important policies for large organisations such as anti-bribery, diversity and inclusion and operational risk. The expert validation team at Hellios has checked that all the information we provided is submitted against the strict guidelines set by the buyer members of the community.
What is the benefit to the buyer members?
Members of the buying group benefit from the knowledge that suppliers meet regulatory, legal and corporate governance requirements. Suppliers information can be easily accessed for buyers to analyse as required.
FSQS helps financial institutions meet the growing and diverse nature of regulatory requirements when it comes to managing third party risk in the supply chain.
Proof of registered status
Burton Safes has registered status until 14th November 2021, a copy of our certificate can be downloaded below: